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In our endeavor to demonstrate the virtues and uses of video games in real-life scenarios, we created Andy The Magic Train, which can be used by children independently or they can share the experience with their parents, in educational institutions as a teaching tool taking advantage of Smart Boards or tablets and can also be applied in health institutions.


Here are real examples in which our game has been tested as a support tool.

General daily life:


Being a game geared for children, the way they interact is easy and friendly, allowing children to develop their natural sense of curiosity to discover new things and experience visual sensations stimulating for their senses.

Fostering social interactions between children of similar ages; the game has features that encourage this activity, since the gameplay lends itself to divide the various actions that can be performed on each game. Additionally, there is a collectibles album that will be filled based on the items that have been correctly identified, which leads itself to compare the elements identified by two or more children.

One of the most important aspects is the use of this game as a tool for parents and children to partake in a recreational activity where both can learn and have fun at the same conditions. By taking advantage on features like the possibility of visualizing the story of Andy’s adventure, sharing with our children while reading a story, in this case making use of the technology to enhance the experience at an audiovisual level. Similarly, it is possible to support and guide our children in the learning and development of their cognitive abilities, such as visual memory.

Specific, Education Sector:


The education sector is currently opening and readying to include new technologies such as interactive whiteboards and tablets in teaching methodologies, with this in mind Andy The Magic Train has been developed to provide an effective tool for teachers, with the possibility of creating a participatory development in whiteboards and group activities using tablets to, for example, the practice of Spanish with the elements to be identified by the children.


It is important to note the advantages that the proper use of applications likes ours to focus the attention of hyperactive children and as a motivational factor for children in general, encouraging the participation of everyone alike from the most introverted to the most extroverted children.


Thanks to the dynamic and able to play in English and Spanish, is a great tool for language learning, interacting in simple and fun way with the items to be identified by the child.

Specifically, the health sector:


Currently in this sector are being applied to video games for muscle rehabilitation, to exercise the eyeballs and even to stay in shape. In the case of Andy The Magic Train, since it has three different game modes, it is possible to focus the child to exercise short-term memory with the "Visual Memory" mode, being suitable for both, children and adults.


In the case of people with hearing impairments, it is possible to use our game as part of the hearing tests, where the traditional method is showing a pamphlet with figures to the patient all while the professional says (covering his mouth) which of the figures should be identified, by using our "Speech recognition" makes it possible to make testing a more pleasant or even fun way to patients.


Finally, Andy The Magic Train has been used by speech therapists who have provided guidance to the development of the game, noting the advantages and benefits as a support tool in the daily sessions with children.

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